13 research outputs found

    Solution Processed Silver Nanoparticles in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    A plasmonic effect of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) is studied. The solutions of silver nitrate in isopropanol, ethylene glycol, or in TiO2 sol were examined as possible precursors for Ag NPs formation. The solutions were dip-coated on the top of the porous TiO2 layer. The results of optical measurements confirmed the formation of Ag NPs throughout the porous TiO2 layer after the heat treatment of the layers above 100°C. Heat treatment at 220°C was found to be optimal regarding the formation of the Ag NPs. The porous TiO2 layers with Ag NPs have been evaluated also in DSSC by measuring current-voltage characteristics and the external quantum efficiency of the cells. In addition, the amount of adsorbed dye has been determined to prove the plasmonic effect in the cells. The I-V characterization of the DSSCs revealed an increase of the short circuit current in the presence of Ag NPs although the amount of the attached dye molecules decreased. These results confirm that the performance enhancement is related to the plasmonic effect. However, neither a thin sol-gel TiO2 layer nor poly(4-vinylpyridine) shells provide effective protection for the long term stability of the Ag NPs against the corrosion of I3-/I- based electrolyte

    Relation between sputtering parameters and optical and electrical properties of Ga doped ITO transparent conductive oxide

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    A ceramic target with Ga:In:Sn=4:64:32 metal ratio has been sintered and used for RF sputtering process to develop high quality Ga doped ITO (GITO) transparent conductive oxide layers, particularly for photovoltaic applications. The sputtering parameters (sputtering power, oxygen flow, and substrate temperature) have been varied first and optimized with respect to the resistivity measurements. The layers deposited under optimized conditions were then post-annealed at different temperatures (200 - 500 degrees C) either in the air or in nitrogen atmosphere in order to further improve the conductivity. The deposited 200 nm thick GITO layer has high electron mobility (50 cm(2)/Vs) at relatively low resistivity (0.90 m Omega cm) although the free electron concentration is kept low (1.4x10(20) cm(-3)) to prevent excessive free-carrier absorption. Thus, high transmission of the layer (similar to 80% at 400 - 1500 nm) is obtained

    Optical and electrical properties of gallium doped indium tin oxide optimized for low deposition temperature applications

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    In optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices, transparent conductive oxides are important in establishing a good electrical contact while minimizing optical losses over a broad range of wavelengths (400-1200 nm). To date, research has focused on In2O3- SnO2 (ITO) films. In this paper, we report on a study of Ga-doped ITO (GITO) films, which in contrast to standard ITO 90/10 (i.e. In:Sn = 90:10) films contain less In. Initially, we describe the development of a multicomponent Ga-In-Sn oxide target with a Ga:In:Sn ratio of 4:64:32, which was used in a radio frequency sputtering system to deposit GITO thin films on glass substrates. Furthermore, we describe the microstructural/structural (scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy), optical (wavelength dependent complex refractive indices) and electrical (resistivity, mobility, free carrier density) measurements used to optimize sputtering conditions and post-annealing processing. As well as achieving an optimized/improved GITO thin film deposited at high substrate and annealing temperatures, we obtained promising thin GITO films with excellent optical properties and with relatively low resistivity (1.7 m Omega cm) deposited and annealed at temperatures around 200 degrees C